terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Bufus Dei (2010)

Bufus Dei is the first album by Droban-Apherna, and consists in a mix of drums, electric guitar and electric bass almost exclusively. It is a concept album divided into 12 tracks, with the full length of 44 minutes and 22 seconds. The predominant musical genres in this album is funk, rock, jazz and metal. The artwork for the covers were specially fun to create.
It was released in December 2010.

Track listing:

1 - Isto Cheira-me a Ratice S.A. (0:34)
2 - Labirintos Postais (4:15)
3 - Este Cangalheiro Desvia Dinheiro (3:38)
4 - Esse Feudo foi de Algo Fidalgo (3:08)
5 - Farinha 33 (4:44)
6 - Capangas de Quinta-Feira em Belgrado (1:42)
7 - Aquele Palhaço Toca Trombone (4:22)
8 - O Lago Inchado (7:16)
9 -  A Tal Pensão Masmorra (4:35)
10 - O Dentista no Escafandro Suspensório (3:04)
11 -  O Endireita Escangalhou a Esposa (2:04)
12 - A Outra (4:56)


* If you burn this album to CD, don't forget burn it without pauses between the tracks, since the album, although divided into tracks, is a continuous piece

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