quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011

quarta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2011

Antechamber of Spesitsev

Hi there,

Here's the 4th videoclip of Drubahaal, recorded in the game Minecraft, as the two videos before.

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011

Drubahaal (2011)

Drubahaal is the third studio album by Droban-Apherna, released in late October 2011. The theme of video games is explored throughout the  album, and the tracks are not united or "glued" like in the previous works.
The full-length of Drubahaal is of 43 minutes and 52 seconds, divided into 12 tracks, and the orchestration used was mainly electric bass (fretted and fretless), electric keyboards, MIDI keyboards and drum sequencing, though there are certain bits of voices in track 9 and an electric guitar solo in track 7.

Track listing:

1 - The Mask of Vlad Tepes (3:03) 
2 - Two Million Years Old Undead Camel (Just Like You Dreamt) (2:44)
3 - Friday's Special: Tucked Cozyness (3:12)
4 - Antechamber of Spesitsev (3:42)
5 - Limbo Nights at Tropicalia's Cabana (1:54)
6 - A Meeting with Joey Santiago (3:37)
7 - Bar - A Hand N' Rope (2:12)
8 - Code name: Albuferia's (4:29)
9 - The Great Pakal of Palenque (8:03)
10 - Fat Spencer Brothel (3:17)
11 - Mortar and pestle/mortar and plaster - The Road outta Puma Punku (4:23)
12 - Caracolário (3:16)


quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Two Million Years Old Undead Camel (Just Like You Dreamt)


Here it is, the second song of the third album by Droban-Apherna, Drubahaal, from late October of this year.

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

The Mask of Vlad Tepes


Here it is, the first song of the third album by Droban-Apherna, Drubahaal, from late October of this year.

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Ablun Malüss 108 (2011)

Ablun Malüss 108 is the second studio album by portuguese band Droban-Apherna.
Ablun Malüss 108 is also a concept album as Bufus Dei, the first album of the band. However, this album goes way beyond the first one in terms of experimentation. The album was divided into 99 tracks, consisting in musical sentences and excerpts, and dense ambient created by the diverse orchestration used throughout the full lenght of the album. Although some tracks contain lyrics and speeches, Ablun Malüss 108 is an instrumental album, mixing musical genres such as funk, rock, folk, ethnic, jazz, tango, blues, and many others.
Droban-Apherna also start to expand their orchestration in this album, using keyboards, various percussion, flutes, bouzouki, mandolin, kazoo, melodica and the usual bass, guitar and drums.
It was released in 5 March 2011, and the artwork from the cover was also made by us.

Track listing:

1 - Fossil (0:06)
2 - Alfafla (0:09)
3 - Jew's Joo Juice (0:26)
4 - Bugalhos e Besugos (0:08)
5 - Quem me dera ser Alcatifa (0:22)
6 - O que interessa é participar (0:22)
7 - Shambala-Boogie (0:25)
8 - Umbigo Ambíguo (0:24)
9 - Mr. Hubert in the Library with the Chandelier, watches the pigs feast on the farm, back in the old Mississipi (0:13)
10 - Luc Havan (0:13)
11 - Besta^2 (0:14)
12 - Das ist das leben, das ist die reich, mein Führer (0:35)
13 - Paga-me em Rublos, seu Porco Chauvinista (0:24)
14 - As Linhas com que um Ganso Patola se cose (0:22)
15 - Spare me the techinal Mumbo Jumbo and all that Jazz, the Jugular is on the loose (0:17)
16 - Chicken on the Casserole with a pinch of Low-Row (0:17)
17 - Favela Jacarandá (0:08)
18 - Che Guevara v3.200.824 (0:08)
19 - S’niq’i Castro Country Club (0:08)
20 - Operação Caniche (0:17)
21 - Arlette... E o Dispensador de Pez (0:08)
22 - Bernardino Cabeça-de-Porco já a leva na Gola (0:13)
23 - Nunca invoques um Lepericão (outra vez) (0:08)
24 - 7 anos de Convento e 3 de Prisóum, oubiste? (0:08)
25 - Vent’Annaz é um coisa muito boa! (0:08)
26 - Betelgeuse (0:50)
27 - Cacá Manéna (2:07)
28 - Encontrei a tua Fulauta no templo do Lucefécit (0:18)
29 - Pap-seque com Xarém (0:17)
30 - La Isla del Cangarejo (0:18)
31 - Wankopaedia 1, Moncarapachense 2 (0:24)
32 -Lavando o futuro cadáver (0:07)
33 - Orango (0:47)
34 - Alifáticos Intermédios Alsacianos (0:16)
35 - Mission Acomplished STOP hypnotic in the pawcket STOP heading back to Xelb (0:58)
36 - Bom dia Senhor Alfinete (2:17)
37 - Also Sprach Arschmann (0:59)
38 - Salvem os Pandas (0:22)
39 - O Sonho Dourado do Sr. Colaço (0:07)
40 - Vá Agora (0:19)
41 - As Flores do Quarto da D. Rosa (0:15)
42 - O Natal veio para ficar vírgula camarada (0:22)
43 - Para o Natal ficar vírgula veio camarada (0:12)
44 - Pintam de Vermelho Opaco (0:07)
45 - Florival, o Medieval (0:07)
46 - Ça Vargh? (0:15)
47 - Sidonio's Covers Band @ Allgarve (0:17)
48 - Dói-me, G-brow-toe (0:06)
49 - ROFTLOLMAOOL (0:04)
50 - Qual o Melhor Dia para Desmanchar uma Vaca (0:04)
51 - Porque Abandonas o Navio, Rato? (0:05)
52 - Pasteleira com Travões de Disco (0:04)
53 - Das Nacht Volke (0:04)
54 - Orelhas de Galinhas avec le Dentuce (0:04)
55 - Andorinha Nariz-de-Senhorio (0:09)
56 - Rasputin não pode com um Gato pelo Rabo (0:09)
57 - Insert Coin (0:07)
58 - Fatal Error: Do you want to proceed? (Y/N) (0:28)
59 - The Charades of Bobby "Bebop" Bobbin' and Randy "Squealin'" Delatator (0:19)
60 - Prison Riot Blues [Cops - 23 Frags] (0:23)
61 - A Calamidáde da Cidáde nesta Idade, Moss Marafáde (0:09)
62 - Democracia – Ditadura da Liberdade (0:09)
63 - Gentoucka, Afaík (0:25)
64 - Kimo No Jem (0:12)
65 - Dragão Carmesim (0:39)
66 - Qu’est Qui Passe Dans Ton Carcasse (0:09)
67 - Lan Games All Over My Toupée (sp?) (0:58)
68 - O segredo paciente dos seus vizinhos (0:56)
69 - Muhammad Al-Embik (0:33)
70 - Entifada de Alcântra-Mar (0:58)
71 - Regabofe/Farró-Badó “Antonieta” (0:16)
72 - Põe-se o Sol na Pradaria (0:25)
73 - Vinho-A-Martelo Pop. 21 (0:25)
74 - Pão no Leiro (0:33)
75 - Herói... E Companhia (0:16)
76 - Pizza com Pepperoni e B-Touvas (0:56)
77 - Enra (0:12)
78 - Trago sempre uma Guitarra no Saco... E chama-me Eduardo (0:22)
79 - Dança das Abóboras Picuinhas (0:26)
80 - Abafar do Medronho (0:12)
81 - O Mosteiro Tétrico (0:17)
82 - Rolem, Boletas, Que Nem (0:43)
83 - ...Na Taberna do Trevo Dourado (0:42)
84 - Ser um Borra-Botas: Primeiro Passo – Comprar Calçado Adequado (0:07)
85 - Sequenciação em Granito nº23 (0:04)
86 - Coreia e Japão têm a mesma dentição (0:17)
87 - Dass, Vidânia (0:17)
88 - A Vida não é assim tão má (0:28)
89 - Nuadha Airgeadlámm, son of Euchtach, son of Edarlám of the posterity of Neimheadh. (0:18)
90 - Toni Pastellone (0:29)
91 - Balde de Lulas (0:33)
92 - Parti o Termómetro (0:17)
93 - Mais 1 Balde d’Acetona (0:16)
94 - Equinócio ( 0:35)
95 - Tenho uma Perna Constipada (0:35)
96 - Sémias Aus Múrias; Árias Aus Fínias; Éurus Aus Górias; Mórias Aus Fálias (1:23)
97 - Aposto que a Aposta da Epístola Apócrifa do Apóstolo Pós-Apóstrofo  Aposta Após a Posta da Moreia Moribunda que Morde Mormente na Marmelada Mortífera (4:25)
98 - Fracção (4:24)
99 - 8PTX era o modelo do meu avô. Ninguém costurava melhor do que ele. Até hoje, ninguém teve rendimento maior que ele. Batia qualquer máquina. O meu primo 73-27-WT é camionista. Trabalhava que nem um galego... Churrascos é com ele. (2:24)


* If you burn this album to CD, don't forget burn it without pauses between the tracks, since the album, although divided into tracks, is a continuous piece

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

Bufus Dei (2010)

Bufus Dei is the first album by Droban-Apherna, and consists in a mix of drums, electric guitar and electric bass almost exclusively. It is a concept album divided into 12 tracks, with the full length of 44 minutes and 22 seconds. The predominant musical genres in this album is funk, rock, jazz and metal. The artwork for the covers were specially fun to create.
It was released in December 2010.

Track listing:

1 - Isto Cheira-me a Ratice S.A. (0:34)
2 - Labirintos Postais (4:15)
3 - Este Cangalheiro Desvia Dinheiro (3:38)
4 - Esse Feudo foi de Algo Fidalgo (3:08)
5 - Farinha 33 (4:44)
6 - Capangas de Quinta-Feira em Belgrado (1:42)
7 - Aquele Palhaço Toca Trombone (4:22)
8 - O Lago Inchado (7:16)
9 -  A Tal Pensão Masmorra (4:35)
10 - O Dentista no Escafandro Suspensório (3:04)
11 -  O Endireita Escangalhou a Esposa (2:04)
12 - A Outra (4:56)


* If you burn this album to CD, don't forget burn it without pauses between the tracks, since the album, although divided into tracks, is a continuous piece

A brief Droban-Apherna's biography

Droban-Apherna is a Portuguese instrumental experimental music band from Silves, in Portugal and it was created in late 2008, being originally called "Estes". Although the most noticeable The music style is sometimes labeled by some as fusion due to the wide range of styles that are played throughout the albums and even throughout the course of the same song.
The band is formed by Pedro Calquinha (keyboard and guitar) and André Marques (bass guitar), although both play several other instruments on the band's albums, such as percussion, bouzouki, mandolin, flute and synthesizers. It has even occurred that sometimes they switch instruments between them, for example in the song "Cacá Manéna" in the Ablun Malüss 108 album, where André played guitar and Pedro played the bass.
The band has so far released three studio albums: Bufus Dei (2010), Ablun Malüss 108 (2011) and Drubahaal (2011). All albums were recorded, mixed and mastered by the band members themselves. The artwork from the covers was also done by the band members.


Hello, all

This blog is meant to be a place where you'll find news and material of the Portuguese band Droban-Apherna.
We, the band, have always tried to make music that sounded good to us, instead of making music that sounded good to most people for just the purpose of having more potential fans or CD buyers or whatnot.
So, we'll make available our albums, respective covers and other material, with the single hope that you'll enjoy what you listen.

(Also, sorry about any grammar/syntax, as you may realize, english is not our native language)